Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Used Tow Truck Parts I'm Looking For A Used Vehicle That Is Around 4000$ That Has Around 35000 Miles, With Good Mpg & Lots Of Seats

I'm looking for a used vehicle that is around 4000$ that has around 35000 miles, with good mpg & lots of seats - used tow truck parts

cheaper if possible, but I prefer to always have the same miles down as possible, instead of paying for something less mileage (more than 1,500 maximum) with my miles is it really by 125,000 ~ 75,000 and was able to verify that great seats, I went to a good but I get over 25, but I think 15 is acceptable, and the minimum is guessing 2? but would like more than 12 or 15: D 5 is also OK, I think nine is beautiful;)
the use of the van (()-truck (mini) van, SUV) vehicle
Towing a boat's first (1985 Bayliner 27 ', that is) 5000 pounds to 6000 pounds, was recommended to me that I will be 3 / 4 ton i with a minimum of 1 / 2 tone does not really need your eyes 1 / 2, because I afraid that I will be a waste of money: S
Seconds to save money during your work with this organization and parties: P
Space with non-family

I thank you all for your help!


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