Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Adderall Ambien Interaction Islamically Speaking, What's The Difference Between Adderall And Marijuana?

Islamically speaking, what's the difference between Adderall and Marijuana? - adderall ambien interaction

I use a scorching case of ADD and Adderall. I am a practicing Muslim, and had used marijuana ever. But research on the effects of which suggests that there is a very good way to calm and perhaps even more concentrated. I'm not saying I am about to Go Get Stoned accepted this weekend, but I'm curious why Adderall (amphetamines white) because my doctor wrote me and many other drugs for other marijuana but that seems relatively harmless and will prescribed by a doctor, is still seen as Haram.
In my view: People seem to marijuana in the same way that people use coffee to wake to calm down. Opioids are dangerous prescribed for patients Muslims, but the newtively safe marijuana is prescribed even if, it is considered haram. Come to think, what about drugs for anxiety? It looks exactly the same as marijuana, effects wise.

Now you can all hum affair, but they can be honest, although I have not tried it firsthand, I can say, consume about my interaction with people who have alcohol and those who are marijuana, marijuana is not drunk. You are razed to the ground.

I believe that many experts from the lies and deceived cons of marijuana have a good understanding of the impact.

Someone please tell me what caffeine, paracetamol, Ambien, Adderall, Xanax, etc. acceptable to Muslims, but we all jumped at the mention of marijuana.


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